Sunny Leone, a Bollywood actress, known for his bold scenes has been married to Daniel Weber since 2011. Sunny Leone’s husband is a musician by profession. They first met at a party in Las Vegas in 2007. Sunny had gone there for an award show and Daniel was playing with his band at Mandalay Bay Hotel and Casino.
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After their first meeting, Daniel was love-struck, but Sunny did not respond his feelings. Sunny kept turn down Daniel’s invitation for a date. Sunny took one and a half months to ultimately say yes to Daniel for a date. On their first date, Sunny purposely came late because she was not interested. The first date went so well that they ultimately ended up talking for five hours. That was when Sunny apprehend that she may have a long-term future with Daniel.
In August 2009, she announced the launch of her own studio, Sunlust Pictures, with Daniel Weber as her partner. She confessed in an interview at the start of 2011 that she was married to Daniel Weber. During her stay in the Bigg Boss house later that same year, Leone indicated that she had married; Leone also said she “purposely arrived late” to their first date as she was not impressed with him, but he changed her mind by sending 24 roses to her hotel room.
Check out the impressive gallery below for more photos of Sunny Leone husband.
Check out the video of Family Photos of Actress Sunny Leone with Husband Daniel Weber, Parents & Brothers.
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