Kareena Kapoor has been very generous at talking about her stepdaughter Sara Ali Khan. Sara Ali Khan is the daughter of Saif Ali Khan and his first wife Amrita Singh. She is about to debut in Bollywood with Abhishek Kapoor’s directorial movie ‘Kedarnath’. She would be acting beside Sushant Singh Rajput in her debut movie.
Kareena Kapoor, who shares a great bond with her step daughter Sara, has high hopes from the girl’s debut “Kedarnath” and believes that the young lady has a shining future in the Bollywood industry.
Kareena was quoted saying about her stepdaughter- “I believe, she’s going to be amazing. She’s got the perfect combination of beauty and brains. I’m excited for her. I hope it works out well for her.”
Check out her pictures below: