Hrithik Roshan has finally broken his silence on the ugly spat growing between him and Kangana Ranaut by posting an official statement on his social media profiles. He has now given an exclusive interview to the Republic TV where Arnab Goswami grills him on the growing scuffle between the two actors. Looking vulnerable, Hrithik pours his heart. The actor seems extremely impressive as he faces the camera. Hrithik Roshan seems noble while answering the most “aggressive” journalist to talk about the controversy that has been following him for the last couple of years.
Here’s what Hrithik Roshan has to say:
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Video Courtesy: Box Office
While speaking to Arnab, Hrithik Roshan told, “I have had enough. I have been pretending because I have to live up to this star thing. I got to look confident. I gotta be cool and okay and not give any attention to something that is important. After a while, I realised I was pretending. It was affecting me, my sense of community, my sense of wellbeing. I said, now I’m pretending, that’s not being a hero, that’s not strength, it’s fake,” says the actor.
Hrithik admits that there is no shame in being vulnerable. “People are afraid to be vulnerable. I had to come to terms with my own vulnerability. It’s ok. I was afraid and I’m not going to be afraid anymore. I’m going to allow my mind and heart to say what it wants to say,” says the actor.
Hrithik added “Whatever I say, can and will be used against me. I have to be honest that I’m very very uncomfortable right now. I’m not a person who likes to confront, I’m not a confrontationist.” He went on to add that he was afraid that his words would be misinterpreted. If he comes across as strong, people might term him innocent and aggressive. And if he shows some emotion, people may think he’s weak.
Hrithik Roshan said, “I first met her in 2008-2009”. On being asked about one of Kangana Ranaut’s leaked emails, in which she referred to him as a ‘close friend’. Hrithik disaffirmed this. “We did not become good friends,” he added, “I found her to be extremely, extremely professional, not just in Kites, but through Krrish as well, to the extent that I was really, really proud of her. She came with her dialogues, and she was giving everything she had for my movies, and for an actor to give so much to my movies meant a lot. I was extremely proud of her, and I told her that several times.”
“She said that she was inspired by me after seeing me in a film in Manali. I took that as a compliment,” Hrithik said.
In recent times, en route to promote her upcoming movie Simran, Kangana spoke a lot, to various outlets, at length about what really happened. Her biggest objection is that the Roshans used their power and influence to paint her in a negative light, going so far as to suggest that she is mentally unstable. Hrithik Roshan meanwhile, maintains that Kangana was in correspondence with an imposter.
“What about all those birthday parties you attended,” questioned Arnab. There were several images of the two being shared online, which Hrithik says are doctored, but Kangana sees as valuable leads in her case.
Also, have a look at what Kangana Ranaut has to say about Hrithik in an interview to India TV.
“There were hundreds of people at those parties, and they were always around some movie,” Hrithik answered. “You have a celebration, a birthday or whatever, and you’re calling more than a hundred people, and you make sure you include all your team.”
“Was there anything at any time where you began to get worried, that you saw something from her side or in her behaviour that made you think twice?” interrogated Arnab.
“We were at a wrap party in Jordan, and I was ready to retire for the night, and she wanted to talk, and I was very, very tired, so I told her we should talk in the morning,” he said. “I ordered for room service, and there was a loud knock on my door, so I went to check – this was 2012, and everyone was really happy – and it was her through the keyhole.”
“She didn’t appear to be in the right state. It was a party so you’ve had a few drinks, so I called my assistant, and he came down to her room and asked her sister to come get her.
“Did you speak to anyone about it,” asked Arnab.
“Rangoli (Kangana’s sister) came and told me not to think badly of her, and that she is a good girl,” Hrithik said, “and I said, of course, I’m not for a moment judging her.”
It was Hrithik’s first interview where he has responded to Kangana Ranaut allegations.
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[…] Hrithik Roshan talks exclusively to Arnab Goswami in a sensational interview. […]
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