Tiger Zinda Hai is the sequel of Salman Khan’s 2012 movie “Ek Tha Tiger”. It has been nine months since Shah Rukh Khan‘s Raees is the highest grosser till this day of this year. Many movies have been released post-Raees but none have managed to move Raees from its spot.
This comes as a surprise for Salman Khan and his Tubelight that despite releasing on the occasion of Eid, Raees, which released in January still tops the list of highest grossing movies. But that comes a good news for Shah Rukh too as there were questions being raised on his stardom and movies. He is still at the top, people! Anyway, this got us thinking which film this year can replace Raees from its top spot.
A survey tells that 67 % people are of the opinion that Tiger Zinda Hai will successfully beat Shahrukh Khan’s Raees. The chemistry of Salman and Katrina has already been on fire on social media. People also love this pair on screen what has been proved by the audience in the movie “Ek Tha Tiger’.
We will see what happens when the movie releases, We wish them luck. The expected release date of the movie is 22 December 2017.
[…] Fans feel that ‘Tiger Zinda Hai’ may beat Shahrukh Khan’s ‘Raees’ […]